Throughout your lifetime, you may have had an encounter with a Hollywood personality, whether it be someone who is recognizable from an era of Old Hollywood like St. Louisan Betty Grable, or maybe a TV personality nationally or locally known, like Charlotte Peters! Here is your opportunity to brag a little!
Join us and share your memories of when you met them and how that encounter came about! What was your impression of them? Did they live up to your expectations and if not, why?
Did you have, or still do, a memento or autograph from that person? Is it a treasured keepsake or is there a story of why you don’t have it now but wish you did!
What was/is your favorite film or TV show that this person appeared in?
It’s always fun to share your ‘famous’ story! We all have fond memories of these people and taking a walk down memory lane with other like-minded Hollywood fans is something that brings us closer together in this challenging time. We hope to ‘see’ you there!