
Whether it be a classic Old Hollywood musical, drama, comedy or film noir, we all have some vivid memories and personal highlights that call to us every time we think about or view that film for the umpteenth time!  Let’s walk through some of our very favorites!
Is there a certain genre you prefer and why?
From your mental list of favorites, tell us why you love that particular film or individual scene – is it the storyline, or the character, the music, or the Old Hollywood film star that entices you to watch it again?
Do you have a tradition or holiday that you and/or family like to do that includes an Old Hollywood film to enjoy?
Is there any specific trivia that you may have learned from Mary’s Old Hollywood presentations that was surprising or of special interest to you?
Certain movies or certain scenes from a particular film may spark our memories of another time, another place.  Let’s share our very favorites (make a list!) and hopefully it will bring a smile to your face and others.